Hydrocarbon potential of the Pre-Westphalian in the Netherlands on- and offshore - report of the PETROPLAY project

Samenvatting / Begeleidende tekst

The Petroplay project was a Joint Industry study conducted by TNO in 2004 and 2005 for a consortium consisting of six sponsors active in oil & gas exploration in the Netherlands: Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), Gaz de France Production Nederland
B.V., Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschapij B.V., Petro-Canada, Total E&P Nederland B.V., Wintershall Noordzee B.V. as well as for TNO itself. The main objective of the Petroplay project was to assess to petroleum geological potential of pre-Westphalian
sediments in the Netherlands on- and offshore. Particular attention was paid to source rock potential, maturity and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The study used organic geochemical, biostratigraphic and general geological tools. The project aimed at a better
assessment of risks related to pre-Westphalian hydrocarbon play concepts in the otherwise rather mature Southern North Sea hydrocarbon basin (including the Netherlands onshore) and the identification of prospective areas in this basin.

Publicatie datum
Publicatie type
Olie & Gas
B. Schroot
F. van Bergen
O. Abbink
P. David
R. van Eijs
H. Veld
Uitgever(s) / Organisatie(s)
41.86 MB