Hydrocarbon potential of the Pre-Westphalian in the Netherlands on- and offshore - report of the PETROPLAY project
The Petroplay project was a Joint Industry study conducted by TNO in 2004 and 2005 for a consortium consisting of six sponsors active in oil & gas exploration in the Netherlands: Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN), Gaz de France Production Nederland
B.V., Nederlandse Aardolie Maatschapij B.V., Petro-Canada, Total E&P Nederland B.V., Wintershall Noordzee B.V. as well as for TNO itself. The main objective of the Petroplay project was to assess to petroleum geological potential of pre-Westphalian
sediments in the Netherlands on- and offshore. Particular attention was paid to source rock potential, maturity and timing of hydrocarbon generation. The study used organic geochemical, biostratigraphic and general geological tools. The project aimed at a better
assessment of risks related to pre-Westphalian hydrocarbon play concepts in the otherwise rather mature Southern North Sea hydrocarbon basin (including the Netherlands onshore) and the identification of prospective areas in this basin.