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Rapportage Geothermie voor Den Haag

Authors: Stichting Platform Geothermie
Rapportage Geothermie voor Den Haag
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag

The life cycle of the Netherlands’ natural gas exploration: 40 years after Groningen, where are we now?

Authors: Dr. J. Breunese, Dr. H. Mijnlieff, Dr. J. Lutgert
The discovery of the giant Permian Groningen Field in 1959 triggered the main phase of gas exploration in NW Europe. This paper deals with the history and future of natural gas exploration in the Netherlands. The aim is to explain the...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Predicting gas production from future gas discoveries in the Netherlands: quantity, location, timing, quality

Authors: Dr. J. Lutgert, Dr. J. Breunese, Dr. H. Mijnlieff
Recent policy and market developments have raised the question not only as to how much gas remains to be discovered in the Netherlands but also where and when it will be produced and of what quality. These questions are addressed by...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Workshop - “Squeezing Salts” – an expensive problem

Authors: NITG-TNO
On May 11th, 2004 a one-day seminar was organised in Utrecht by the Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO (TNO-NITG) on the topic “Squeezing Salts” and aiming at providing a forum for discussion to relevant parties active in the...
Publication date:
Thema: Zout

Deterministische hazard analyse voor geïnduceerde seismiciteit

Authors: R. van Eijs, F. Mulders, M. Nepveu
In het kader van de per 1 januari 2003 ingevoerde Mijnbouwwet is een door het Ministerie van Economische Zaken goedgekeud winningsplan vereist, voordat de ‘operators’ mogen overgaan tot het winnen van delfstoffen in Nederland. Dit...
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit

Annual Report 2003

Authors: TNO-AGE
Annual Report 2003
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag

Jaarverslag 2003

Authors: TNO-AGE
Jaarverslag 2003
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag

Geological Atlas of the Subsurface of the Netherlands - Onshore

Authors: NITG-TNO
LET OP: DOWNLOAD VAN ATLAS VIA ONDERSTAANDE LINK: Download PDF Geologische Atlas De Geologische Atlas van de Diepe Ondergrond van Nederland - vasteland is oorspronkelijk uitgevoerd in de periode 1991 – 2003. De resultaten zijn vastgelegd in...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie

Fluid flow systems analysis on geological timescales in onshore and offshore Netherlands

Authors: H. Verweij
Knowledge of the present-day fluid flow systems in the sedimentary fill of onshore and offshore Netherlands, and the related pore pressure distributions in its reservoirs and seals, is important for safe and economic drilling, oil and gas...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie

Abandonment of solution mined salt caverns in the Netherlands

Authors: Dr. I. Kroon, Dr. B. Orlic, Dr. B. Scheffers
Salts have been mined in different parts of the world since ancient times for human consumption and industrial purposes. Besides a traditional dry mining method, solution mining has been commonly employed in the Netherlands and elsewhere in...
Publication date:
Thema: Zout