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Proceedings in salt cavern uses and abandonment: Bridging the technical and social perspectives

Authors: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen, DEEP.KBB, TNO-AGE
Five years have passed since the successful ‘ cavern abandonment workshop ’ in 2019. Since then, several key research programs and workshops/conferences have been initiated (and mostly completed), including two projects in the Knowledge...
Publication date:
Thema: Opslag, Zout

Workshop wettelijke en technische vereisten voor het verantwoord sluiten en hergebruik van cavernes

Authors: TNO-AGE, DEEP.KBB, Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat
Sinds 1911 zijn er in Nederland ongeveer 300 cavernes ontwikkeld voor de winning van zout, 10 hiervan worden tegenwoordig gebruikt voor opslag. De komende decennia is er mogelijke vraag naar meer cavernes voor zoutwinning en opslag van...
Publication date:
Thema: Opslag, Zout

Workshop - Seismic Amplitudes - 14 januari 2010

Authors: TNO, EBN
In the Dutch subsurface seismic amplitudes have been studied for over 30 years. Despite the use of 3D data and improved subsurface imaging techniques, up till recently the use of amplitude information failed to provide a significant...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Workshop - Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery

Authors: EBN, TNO
Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Workshop - Rifting systems and their significance for hydrocarbon exploration in the Netherlands

Authors: EBN, TNO
Workshop - Rifting systems and their significance for hydrocarbon exploration in the Netherlands - 5 juni 2008
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Workshop - Tight Gas

Authors: EBN, TNO
Tight Gas Workshop - 19 september 2006
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas