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DEVLI Project: Stratigraphy and Tectonostratigraphy of the Delfland and Vlieland subgroups, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous - Broad Fourteens Basin, West Netherlands Basin and neighbouring areas
Authors: R. Bouroullec, R. Verreussel, S. Peeters, A. Kaliar, D. Ventra, D. Jones, S. Dieters, E. Boter
This report provides an update on the stratigraphy and tectonostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous in southern part of the Dutch Offshore and in the western part of the Dutch onshore. The results provide new insights on...
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Olie & Gas
Assessing the possibility of gas leakage through drilling induced fractures in shallow formations
Authors: A. Tsopela, G. de Bruin, A. Moghadam, N. Versteijlen, Dr. M. Wilpshaar
What is the hypothesis? In recent literature it is proposed that drilling always creates fractures around the wellbore (drilling induced fractures) that serve as migration pathway for gas in shallow (< 1000 m depth) sediments. This...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Inventory of wells through shallow gas layers in the Dutch North Sea
Authors: Dr. M. Wilpshaar, G. de Bruin, N. Versteijlen
During a dertigledendebat on the 14th of November 2017 regarding a new gas discovery to the North of Schiermonnikoog, the House of Representatives called attention, amongst others, to methane emissions related to gas production. This debate...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Gaswinning en zoutwinning in de komberging Vlie
Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser
In het kombergingsgebied Vlie vindt naast gaswinning uit gasveld Zuidwal binnenkort (2017) mogelijk ook zoutwinning plaats (Havenmond) (zie Figuur A). De voorgestelde zoutwinning van Havenmond komt op 10 oktober 2016 ter zitting bij de Raad...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling
Meegroeivermogentoets Waddenzee
Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser
Conform het Rijksprojectbesluit “Gaswinning Waddenzee” [1] produceert de NAM sinds 2007 gas van onder de Waddenzee, in het bijzonder uit de diepe ondergrond onder de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamperlaag. Conform dit besluit is in...
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Thema: Bodemdaling
Harlingen Subsidence Study
Authors: Vermilion
The Harlingen Chalk gas field is located in the western part of the Leeuwarden concession in the province of Friesland, onshore northern Netherlands. It is located between the towns of Franeker and Harlingen. The crest of the chalk...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling
Anatomy of the Cenozoic Eridanos Delta Hydrocarbon System
Authors: Dr. J.H. ten Veen, H. Verweij, Dr. T. Donders, Drs. C. Geel, G. de Bruin, D. Munstermann, Dr. R. Verreussel, V. Daza Cajigal, R. Harding, H. Cremer
In the Southern North Sea, shallow gas is defined as gas that occurs in unconsolidated sediments of Cenozoic age. It mainly resides in shallow marine to continental (deltaic) deposits of the Plio-Pleistocene Southern North Sea (SNS) delta...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Toetsing van de belasting op de gebruiksruimte in de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamerlaag door bodemdaling ten gevolge van gaswinning onder de Waddenzee
Authors: Annemarie Mundendam-Bos, Jaap Breunese, Karin van Thienen-Visser, Lies Peters, Joaquim Juez-Larré
ln het waddengebied staat de beheersing van het effect van bodemdaling door gaswinning in de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamperlaag centraal. De NAM heeft voor haar verzoek tot wijziging van de winningsplannen "Ameland", "Anjum" en...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling
Property prediction of Plio-Pleistocene sediments in the A15 shallow gas systems
Authors: Dr. J.H. ten Veen, Drs. C. Geel, G. Kunakbayeva, Dr. T. Donders, Dr. R. Verreussel
This report describes a best-practise workflow for assessment of the distribution and properties of both bright-spot occurrences and their hosting sediments, i.e. the shallow gas plays, in the Southern North Sea. The A15 block was selected...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Nederlandse vertaling van de “Introduction” en het hoofdstuk “Interim Results” van het Interim Report “Harlingen Upper Cretaceous Subsidence van Vermilion Energy van 10 september 2010”
Authors: Vermilion
Dit document is een Nederlandstalige versie van de “Introduction” en de “Interim Results” secties uit het Engelstalige interim rapport van Vermilion Oil&Gas Netherlands B.V. over de studie naar het verschil tussen de voorspelde en de...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling