Property prediction of Plio-Pleistocene sediments in the A15 shallow gas systems

Samenvatting / Begeleidende tekst

This report describes a best-practise workflow for assessment of the distribution and properties of both bright-spot occurrences and their hosting sediments, i.e. the shallow gas plays, in the Southern North Sea. The A15 block was selected as the best area to conduct this pilot study, since it contains several types of bright spots at different stratigraphic levels and has exploration wells through both normal- and gas-bearing sediments.

Publicatie datum
Publicatie type
Olie & Gas
Dr. J.H. ten Veen
Drs. C. Geel
G. Kunakbayeva
Dr. T. Donders
Dr. R. Verreussel
Uitgever(s) / Organisatie(s)
6.99 MB