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Proceedings in salt cavern uses and abandonment: Bridging the technical and social perspectives

Authors: Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Staatstoezicht op de Mijnen, DEEP.KBB, TNO-AGE
Five years have passed since the successful ‘ cavern abandonment workshop ’ in 2019. Since then, several key research programs and workshops/conferences have been initiated (and mostly completed), including two projects in the Knowledge...
Publication date:
Thema: Opslag, Zout

STEM Project - Salt Tectonics Early Movement: Impact on Triassic and Jurassic Stratigraphy and on Petroleum Systems in the Dutch Offshore.

Authors: R. Bouroullec, S. Osinga, S. Nelskamp, T. Goldberg, M. Zijp, G. de Bruin, R. Verreussel, N. Janssen, S. Houben, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold, T. Van Hoof, S. Peeters, M. Halter
The Triassic structural evolution of the Central and Northern Dutch offshore was investigated in the STEM Project. This research focused on the early salt tectonic events and their expression at different locations in the basin. The main...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas, Zout