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Analysis of deformation features in Slochteren sandstone in core K06-04
Authors: J. Beunen, B. Robertson, L. Buijze, E. de Boever, J. Stam
The mineralogy of fractures in sandstone reservoirs may play an important role, as they can behave as barriers or conduits to fluid flow and because they might affect the reservoir geomechanical strength. As part of a TNO research project...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie
Fluid flow systems analysis on geological timescales in onshore and offshore Netherlands
Authors: H. Verweij
Knowledge of the present-day fluid flow systems in the sedimentary fill of onshore and offshore Netherlands, and the related pore pressure distributions in its reservoirs and seals, is important for safe and economic drilling, oil and gas...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie