Workshop wettelijke en technische vereisten voor het verantwoord sluiten en hergebruik van cavernes - 11&12 november 2019
Bérest - The cavern abandonment issue
Bruckner - Cavern abandonment - Generall aspects
Hamer - Regulatory Requirements for Cavern Closure in Germany
Hendriks - Operators perspectiveon abandonment - Barradeel experience
Jonkers - Environmental and spatial regulating of mining activities
Kroon - Introduction to Salt Mining in the Netherlands_lifecycle_technical
Mol - Stakeholder engagement the local perspective - handout
Remmelts - Introduction to Salt Mining in the Netherlands_lifecycle_regulatory
Schneider - Summary of German Workshop Regulatory requirements for abandonment of underground facilities
Smit - Abanondenment of Nedmag caverns
Spiers - Long-term behaviour of sealed salt caverns
Stehouwer - Hydrogen storage in caverns
Urai - Rock salt rheology and permeation
Stringers in Salt Workshop - 6 feb 2018
01 URAI - Keynote Lecture TNO
02 ONE - Stringers in Zechstein salt as a drilling risk
03 EBN - 2018 Stringers workshop GDE DB8
04 ENGIE - Salt Stringers
05 WINZ - Zechstein drilling presentation TNO workshop
06 NAM - TNO-workshop
07 AKZO - Using salt knowledge to reduce drilling risks
08 TNO – Drilling Salt Stringers 2018
Mesozoïc Resource Potential in the Southern Permian Basin
1. Reservoir Properties Revisited – Results of data mining in the Dutch Oil & Gas portal
Seismic Amplitudes Workshop - 14 januari 2010
First announcement 'Seismic Amplitudes Workshop'
1. EBN Amplitudes Workshop - Handout
2. Beukelaar - Introduction amplitudes
3. Trani - Importance of Localisation
4. Wever - WINZ Amplitude Driven Solutions
5. Bruehl - NAM Part I
6. Neele - Sleipner CO2
7. Huck - Geometrical Stacking
8. Mesdag - Seismic calibration and low frequency modeling
9. Poelen - Prestack Seismic for QC and Inspection of Amplitudes
10. Sneep - NAM Part II
11. Seismic Amplitudes Workshop - Panel Discussion
12. Literature References
Symposium 'Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery - 15 en 16 januari 2009
50 Years Groningen - Video introduction
50 Years Groningen - Symposium Handout
Dag 1 - Symposium
1. Glennie Univ. Aberdeen - Delta or Desert.ppt
3. Biteau TOTAL - 45 Years TOTAL Group.ppt
5. Drijkoningen GDF - The Bunter in the G-Quadrant.ppt
6. de Wijn WINTERSHALL - E&P History in the Netherlands.ppt
7. Manders FUGRO - Early Luck and Wisdom.pdf
8. Van Veen Retired-NAM - Exploration along River Maas Lineation.ppt
9. Rosenkranz EBN - Model Approach to Offshore Exploration.ppt
Dag 2 - Core workshop
1. Grotsch et. al NAM - History & Future of the Groningen Field.ppt
2. Mijnlieff TNO - Stratigraphy of the Permian Rotliegend.ppt
3. Gaupp Uni. JENA - Rotliegend Depositional Facies.pdf
4. Doornenbal TNO - Paleo-geography of Permian Rotliegend.ppt
5. Gaupp Uni. JENA - Diagenesis of Rotliegend Reservoirs.pdf
Rifting systems and their significance for hydrocarbon exploration in the Netherlands - 5 juni 2008
Rifting Workshop - Abstracts
1. Workshop Abstract & Program
2. deJager NAM - Rifting Systems
3. Beekman VU UA - Post Rift Fault Reactivation
4. Rijkers GDF - Structural Style and Sealing Faults
5. VanWees TNO - Tectonic Heat Flow Modelling for Basin Maturation
6. Ligtenberg NAM - Large Scale Faults in the Broad Fourteens Basin
7. VanHulten EBN - A 3D Geological Model of the Dutch Central Graben
8. Geiss TOTAL - Late Charge in the K5 Area
9. Verweij TNO - Impact of Rifting on Fluid Migration
10. Rifting Workshop - Concluding Panel Discussion
Selected readings
1. Van Hulten EBN - Rifting Systems and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Netherlands
2. Reference List Petroleum Geology
Tight Gas Workshop - 19 september 2006
Introduction and Program
1. Breunese TNO - What is the Prize
2. Rossen TUD - US Perspective
3. Okkerman NAM - Optimal Development Choices for Tight Reservoirs
4. Drapeau Total - Tight Gas Reservoirs RandD Project Approach
5. Janssen Chevron - Halfweg Case Study
6. dEngelbronner Wintershall - Tight Gas Challenges
7. Okkerman NAM - K17FA Tight Gas Development Case Study
8. Koehler GDFandPEG - The Leer Z4 Case Study
9. Haider FracTech - Frac Candidate Selection
10. Shaoul Pinnacle - Advances in Treatment Design and Production Optimization
11. Tight Gas Workshop - Panel Discussion
L1 References
L2 van Hulten - Reservoir quality distribution
Squeezing Salts Workshop - 11 mei 2004
Proceedings of symposium: Squeezing Salts - an expensive problem