Workshop - “Squeezing Salts” – an expensive problem
On May 11th, 2004 a one-day seminar was organised in Utrecht by the Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO (TNO-NITG) on the topic “Squeezing Salts” and aiming at providing a forum for discussion to relevant parties active in the Netherlands. These include the E&P operators, service industry, consultants, research institutes and university groups. The initiative was supported by EBN.
The K-or Mg-rich squeezing salts represent a challenge often encountered when drilling through the Zechstein Group. Over the last 40 odd years it has been found that these salts, with their specific properties and behaviour, have resulted in delays in drilling operations,
adjusted casing schemes and even the loss of many wells. All of these consequences have a negative economic impact. Therefore, the "squeezing salts" can be considered to constitute an expensive problem to all.