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Petroleum Geological Atlas of the Southern Permian Basin Area

Authors: BGS, GEUS, TNO, Museum, BGR, PIG
LET OP: DOWNLOADS IN LINKS HIERONDER: The Southern Permian Basin Atlas (SPBA) project is a joint project of the Geological Surveys of the United Kingdom, Belgium, Denmark, the Netherlands, Germany and Poland and was initiated by Ken Glennie...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie

Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen

Authors: L. Kramers, G.-J. Vis, M.P.D. Pluymaekers, J.D.A.M. van Wees, H.M. Mijnlieff
Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie

Rapportage Ruimtelijke Ordening Geothermie (F3)

Authors: Harmen Mijnlieff , Jan-Diederik van Wees
Rapportage Ruimtelijke Ordening Geothermie (F3)
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie

Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping

Authors: E.J.T. Duin, J.C. Doornenbal, R.H.B. Rijkers, J.W. Verbeek, Th.E. Wong
Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie

Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping

Authors: E. Duin, J. Doornenbal, R. Rijkers, Th. Wong
This paper presents depth maps for eight key horizons and seven thickness maps covering the onshore and offshore areas for the Late Permian to recent sedimentary section of the Netherlands. These maps, prepared in the context of a TNO...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie

Potential for CO2 storage in depleted gas fields at the Dutch Continental Shelf

Authors: Dr. J. Breunese, G. Remmelts, R. van der Velde, J. Mieog
To investigate the opportunities for CO2 storage in the Dutch sector of the North sea, the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA) together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands (MEA) have...
Publication date:
Thema: Energietransitie, Opslag

The alluvial architecture of the Coevorden Field (Upper Carboniferous), the Netherlands

Authors: H. Kombrink, J. Bridge, E. Stouthamer
A detailed reconstruction of the alluvial architecture of the Coevorden gas Field (Tubbergen Formation, Upper Carboniferous), which is located in the northeastern part of the Netherlands, is presented. This reconstruction is based on well...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie, Olie & Gas

Nader onderzoek naar mogelijkheden van aardwarmtewinning voor de vleestomaatkwekerij van Fa A&G van den Bosch BV te Bleiswijk

Authors: J. Ramaekers, K. Geel, A. Lokhorst, H.J. Simmelink
Nader onderzoek naar mogelijkheden van aardwarmtewinning voor de vleestomaatkwekerij van Fa A&G van den Bosch BV te Bleiswijk
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie

The Netherlands: A Case Of Optimisation Of Recovery And Opportunities For Re-Use Of Natural Gas Assets

Authors: Dr. J. Breunese
The total Netherlands natural gas resource base is estimated at around 4500 bcm. Two-thirds of that volume stems from the giant Groningen field, the remainder from a few hundred other socalled small fields and exploration prospects. The aim...
Publication date:
Thema: Energietransitie, Olie & Gas, Opslag

Geological Atlas of the Subsurface of the Netherlands - Onshore

Authors: NITG-TNO
LET OP: DOWNLOAD VAN ATLAS VIA ONDERSTAANDE LINK: Download PDF Geologische Atlas De Geologische Atlas van de Diepe Ondergrond van Nederland - vasteland is oorspronkelijk uitgevoerd in de periode 1991 – 2003. De resultaten zijn vastgelegd in...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie