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Corrosion in Dutch geothermal systems
Authors: J.G. Veldkamp, T.V. Goldberg, P.M.M.C. Bressers, F. Wilschut
Corrosion in Dutch geothermal systems
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte
Sector Outlook: Geothermal power increase in the Netherlands by enhancing the capacity
Authors: J.G. Veldkamp, T.A.P. Boxem
Sector Outlook: Geothermal power increase in the Netherlands by enhancing the capacity
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie
Eindrapport ultra-diepe geothermie in Nederland
Authors: Thijs Boxem, Hanse Veldkamp, Stefan Carpentier, Tanya Goldberg, Lindsay Lipsay
Eindrapport ultra-diepe geothermie in Nederland - Branche Innovatie Agenda
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte
Radial drilling for Dutch geothermal applications
Authors: E. Peters, J.G. Veldkamp, M.P.D. Pluymaekers, F. Wilschut
Radial drilling for Dutch geothermal applications
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte
Meegroeivermogentoets Waddenzee
Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser
Conform het Rijksprojectbesluit “Gaswinning Waddenzee” [1] produceert de NAM sinds 2007 gas van onder de Waddenzee, in het bijzonder uit de diepe ondergrond onder de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamperlaag. Conform dit besluit is in...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling
Harlingen Subsidence Study
Authors: Vermilion
The Harlingen Chalk gas field is located in the western part of the Leeuwarden concession in the province of Friesland, onshore northern Netherlands. It is located between the towns of Franeker and Harlingen. The crest of the chalk...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling
Lead deposition in geothermal installations
Authors: P.M.M.C. Bressers, F. Wilschut
Lead deposition in geothermal installations
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie
Geothermal energy – Scaling potential with cooling and CO2 degassing
Authors: Laura J. Wasch
Geothermal energy – Scaling potential with cooling and CO2 degassing
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte
HTO - Hoge temperatuur opslag in de ondiepe ondergrond
Authors: Maarten Pluymaekers, Jan-Diederik van Wees, Muriel van der Kuip, Vincent Vandeweijer
HTO - Hoge temperatuur opslag in de ondiepe ondergrond
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie
Eindrapportage Geothermie Manifestatie
Authors: Tara Geerdink, Hanneke Puts, Fransje Hooimeijer
Eindrapportage Geothermie Manifestatie
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Energietransitie