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Regional Understanding of the Cenozoic “Shallow Gas” Play of Blocks F4 & F5
Authors: J. ten Veen, S. Peeters, M. den Dulk, K. Geel
In the Southern North Sea, shallow gas is defined as gas that resides in shallow marine to continental (deltaic) deposits of the Cenozoic Southern North Sea shelf-edge delta. It is either structurally trapped in anticlines above salt domes...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Rotliegend Play Project - Characterisation of the Rotliegend Groups in the Northern Dutch Offshore
Authors: R. Bouroullec, H. de Haan, K. Geel, S. Peeters, J. Hettelaar, H. Doornenbal
The aim of the project was to better understand the architecture and distribution of Permian reservoir sands in the Dutch northern offshore and increase the prospectivity of these areas. The Cygnus Field in UK is producing from the same...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Bias studie fase 2
Authors: TNO - Adviesgroep Economische Zaken en Klimaat
In het kader van het EZK Werkprogramma 2019 (project E - Groningen) ontvangt u deze notitie betreffende de NAM risicoberekening voor de gaswinning uit het Groningen veld. U vraagt om kwalitatief te beoordelen of deze risicoberekening leidt...
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
Advies vaststellingsbesluit Groningen gasveld 2019/2020
Authors: TNO-AGE
Advies vaststellingsbesluit Groningen gasveld 2019/2020
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
Impact inzetstrategie op Noordelijke provincies
Authors: TNO-AGE
Impact inzetstrategie op Noordelijke provincies
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
Adviesbrief Bias, deel grondversnellingsmodel
Authors: TNO-AGE
Adviesbrief Bias, deel grondversnellingsmodel
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
Advies veiligheid bouwwerken bij verlaagd niveau gaswinning
Authors: TNO-AGE
Advies veiligheid bouwwerken bij verlaagd niveau gaswinning
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
STEM Project - Salt Tectonics Early Movement: Impact on Triassic and Jurassic Stratigraphy and on Petroleum Systems in the Dutch Offshore.
Authors: R. Bouroullec, S. Osinga, S. Nelskamp, T. Goldberg, M. Zijp, G. de Bruin, R. Verreussel, N. Janssen, S. Houben, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold, T. Van Hoof, S. Peeters, M. Halter
The Triassic structural evolution of the Central and Northern Dutch offshore was investigated in the STEM Project. This research focused on the early salt tectonic events and their expression at different locations in the basin. The main...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas, Zout
Maximale magnitude Groningen veld
Authors: TNO-AGE, KNMI
Maximale magnitude Groningen veld
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen
Conceptual diagenetic models for cementation in Rotliegend sandstones
Authors: T. Goldberg, M. Koenen, S. Nelskamp, V. Vandeweijer
Porosity and permeability determine to a large extent the reservoir quality and the success of gas production. The growth of cements (= diagenetic minerals) can lead to severe reservoir quality reduction locally. This study is aimed at the...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas