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Assessing the possibility of gas leakage through drilling induced fractures in shallow formations
Authors: A. Tsopela, G. de Bruin, A. Moghadam, N. Versteijlen, Dr. M. Wilpshaar
What is the hypothesis? In recent literature it is proposed that drilling always creates fractures around the wellbore (drilling induced fractures) that serve as migration pathway for gas in shallow (< 1000 m depth) sediments. This...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
STEM Project - Salt Tectonics Early Movement: Impact on Triassic and Jurassic Stratigraphy and on Petroleum Systems in the Dutch Offshore.
Authors: R. Bouroullec, S. Osinga, S. Nelskamp, T. Goldberg, M. Zijp, G. de Bruin, R. Verreussel, N. Janssen, S. Houben, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold, T. Van Hoof, S. Peeters, M. Halter
The Triassic structural evolution of the Central and Northern Dutch offshore was investigated in the STEM Project. This research focused on the early salt tectonic events and their expression at different locations in the basin. The main...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas, Zout
Conceptual diagenetic models for cementation in Rotliegend sandstones
Authors: T. Goldberg, M. Koenen, S. Nelskamp, V. Vandeweijer
Porosity and permeability determine to a large extent the reservoir quality and the success of gas production. The growth of cements (= diagenetic minerals) can lead to severe reservoir quality reduction locally. This study is aimed at the...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
MMU - Unravelling the stratigraphic and structural development of the strata found underneath and above the mid-miocene unconformity
Authors: G. de Bruin, K. Geel, S. Houben, D. Munsterman, H. Verweij, J. Smit, N. Janssen, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold, V. Vandeweijer
The aim of the MMU-project was to unravel the stratigraphic and structural development of the strata that are found underneath and above the Mid-Miocene Unconformities, with the goal to better understand and predict the presence of...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lias: HYPO-Lias
Authors: S. Houben, S. Nelskamp, T. Goldberg, R. Verreussel, N. Janssen, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold, T. Boxem
DOWNLOAD ADDENDUM: Addendum to Hydrocarbon Potential of the Lias: HYPO-Lias The Hypo-Lias-project provides an overview of the depositional and paleoclimatic development of the Early Jurassic in the North Sea area (UK, Netherlands, Denmark...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas