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DEVLI Project: Stratigraphy and Tectonostratigraphy of the Delfland and Vlieland subgroups, Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous - Broad Fourteens Basin, West Netherlands Basin and neighbouring areas
Authors: R. Bouroullec, R. Verreussel, S. Peeters, A. Kaliar, D. Ventra, D. Jones, S. Dieters, E. Boter
This report provides an update on the stratigraphy and tectonostratigraphy of the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous in southern part of the Dutch Offshore and in the western part of the Dutch onshore. The results provide new insights on...
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Olie & Gas
Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy
Authors: Dr. G.J. Vis, Drs. S. van Gessel, Dr. H. Mijnlieff, Dr. M, Pluymaekers, J. Hettelaar, D. Stegers
This study aims at 3D modelling of the spatial distribution of porosity and permeability (transmissivity = net sand thickness · permeability) in the Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group in the West Netherlands Basin with respect to the...
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte
Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy
Authors: G.-J. Vis, S.F. van Gessel, H.F. Mijnlieff, drs. M.P.D. Pluymaekers, J.M.M. Hettelaar, D.P.M. Stegers
Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie
Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen
Authors: L. Kramers, G.-J. Vis, M.P.D. Pluymaekers, J.D.A.M. van Wees, H.M. Mijnlieff
Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie