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Assessing the possibility of gas leakage through drilling induced fractures in shallow formations
Authors: A. Tsopela, G. de Bruin, A. Moghadam, N. Versteijlen, Dr. M. Wilpshaar
What is the hypothesis? In recent literature it is proposed that drilling always creates fractures around the wellbore (drilling induced fractures) that serve as migration pathway for gas in shallow (< 1000 m depth) sediments. This...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
3D seismic analysis of the Terschelling Basin Sliding Complex
Authors: F. Bardi
Submarine landslides are a very important mechanism in moving big amounts of sediment down-slope.
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas
Workshop - Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery
Authors: EBN, TNO
Fifty years of petroleum exploration in the Netherlands after the Groningen discovery
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas