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Whitepaper ‘Aardwarmte in Nederland – 2023: een recordjaar, maar toch teleurstellend’

Authors: J. van der Molen, S. Tolsma
Uit de cijfers van het jaarverslag ‘Delfstoffen en Aardwarmte in Nederland 2023’ blijkt dat in 2023 een recordaantal van 13 aardwarmteboringen is gezet, terwijl de jaarlijkse aardwarmteproductie maar met 1% is gestegen tot 6,88 PJ. Dit...
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte

Bodemdaling in Nederland

Authors: Annemarie Mundendam-Bos, Dr. I. Kroon, Dr. P. Fokker, Drs. G. De Lange
Bodemdaling in Nederland is een belangrijk maatschappelijk probleem gezien de verhoogde risico’s voor waterbeheer, bebouwing en infrastructuur die hieraan gerelateerd zijn. In sommige delen van Nederland is het maaiveld de afgelopen eeuwen...
Publication date:
Thema: Bodemdaling

Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping

Authors: E.J.T. Duin, J.C. Doornenbal, R.H.B. Rijkers, J.W. Verbeek, Th.E. Wong
Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping
Publication date:
Thema: Aardwarmte, Geologie

Petroleum geological and prospect evaluation of three open blocks in the G-quad of the Netherlands Offshore

Authors: L. Zwart, Dr. H. Mijnlieff
This preparatory study has been performed as an initiative of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands to improve access to information for the mining industry and other interested parties. It should be seen as a first try out of...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Subsurface structure of the Netherlands – results of recent onshore and offshore mapping

Authors: E. Duin, J. Doornenbal, R. Rijkers, Th. Wong
This paper presents depth maps for eight key horizons and seven thickness maps covering the onshore and offshore areas for the Late Permian to recent sedimentary section of the Netherlands. These maps, prepared in the context of a TNO...
Publication date:
Thema: Geologie

Workshop - Tight Gas

Authors: EBN, TNO
Tight Gas Workshop - 19 september 2006
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

New Stratigraphic insights in the 'Late Jurassic' of the Southern Central North Sea Graven and Terschelling Basin (Dutch Offshore) and related exploration potential

Authors: O. Abbink, Dr. H. Mijnlieff, D. Munstermann, Dr. R. Verreussel
Middle Jurassic - Early Cretaceous strata are a target for old and gas exploration in the Dutch Offshore.
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Potential for CO2 storage in depleted gas fields at the Dutch Continental Shelf

Authors: Dr. J. Breunese, G. Remmelts, R. van der Velde, J. Mieog
To investigate the opportunities for CO2 storage in the Dutch sector of the North sea, the Netherlands Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Association (NOGEPA) together with the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands (MEA) have...
Publication date:
Thema: Energietransitie, Opslag

Annual Report 2005

Authors: TNO-AGE
Annual Report 2005
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag

Jaarverslag 2005

Authors: TNO-AGE
Jaarverslag 2005
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag