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Aanbiedingsbrief rapport TNO 2015 R10755

Authors: TNO-AGE
Aanbiedingsbrief rapport TNO 2015 R10755
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen

JUSTRAT – New stratigraphic framework for the Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous in the southern North Sea using integrated novel techniques

Authors: R. Verreussel, S. Houben, D. Munsterman, N. Janssen, S. Kerstholt-Boegehold
The JUSTRAT report describes in detail the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous basin development of a large part of the Dutch offshore. In addition, a composite stable isotope reference curve for the Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous is...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Improved sweet spot identification and smart development using integrated reservoir characterization (Phase 2)

Authors: S. Nelskamp, T. Goldberg, S. Houben, K. Geel, L. Wasch, R. Verreussel, T. Boxem
This "Sweet Spot 2" project aimed at developing and applying a methodology for shale gas exploration that builds on the synthesis of existing information and data from vintage wells in addition to analyses of outcrop analogues and core...
Publication date:
Thema: Olie & Gas

Recent developments on the seismicity of the Groningen field in 2015

Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser, Dr. P. Fokker, M. Nepveu, D. Sijacic, J. Hettelaar, B. van Kempen
Recent developments on the seismicity of the Groningen field in 2015
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen

Plaatsgebonden individueel risico van panden in het invloedsgebied van het Groningenveld

Authors: TNO-AGE
Plaatsgebonden individueel risico van panden in het invloedsgebied van het Groningenveld
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen

Veiligheidsbeschouwing aardbevingen Groningen t.b.v. NPR 9998

Authors: R. Steenbergen, A. Vrouwenvelder, N Scholten
Veiligheidsbeschouwing aardbevingen Groningen t.b.v. NPR 9998
Publication date:
Thema: Geïnduceerde seismiciteit, Groningen

Annual Report 2014

Authors: TNO-AGE
Annual Report 2014
Publication date:
Thema: Jaarverslag