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Analysis of deformation features in Slochteren sandstone in core K06-04
Authors: J. Beunen, B. Robertson, L. Buijze, E. de Boever, J. Stam
The mineralogy of fractures in sandstone reservoirs may play an important role, as they can behave as barriers or conduits to fluid flow and because they might affect the reservoir geomechanical strength. As part of a TNO research project...
Publication date:
Thema: Geology
Rapportage milieuhygiënische risico's thermische vervuiling nabij geothermieputten
Authors: S.H.J. Peeters, H.F. Mijnlieff, B.M.M. van Kempen
Rapportage milieuhygiënische risico's thermische vervuiling nabij geothermieputten
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology
Risico's van eventuele seismiciteit bij geothermie
Authors: TNO-AGE
Risico's van eventuele seismiciteit bij geothermie
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Induced seismicity, Geology
Play-based portfoliobenadering, eerste inzicht in zes voordelen voor veilig en verantwoord, kosteneffectief versnellen van geothermie
Authors: J.G. Veldkamp, J.D.A.M. van Wees, L.G. Brunner, A.P.A.M. de Jong, L.J. Heijnen, C. van Langen
Play-based portfoliobenadering, eerste inzicht in zes voordelen voor veilig en verantwoord, kosteneffectief versnellen van geothermie
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology
Stringers in Salt as a Drilling Risk
Authors: M. Zijp, M. Huijgen, Dr. M. Wilpshaar, Dr. R. Bouroullec, Dr. J. ter Heege
This report describes the results of the project ‘Stringers in Salt as a Drilling Risk’, commissioned to TNO Advisory Group Economic Affairs (TNO AGE) by the State Supervisory of Mines (SodM). The project focussed on anomalous formation...
Publication date:
Thema: Geology, Salt
Reservoir properties revisited - Results of data mining in the Dutch Oil & Gas portal
Authors: B. van Kempen, J. van der Molen, H. Mijnlieff
Reservoir properties revisited - Results of data mining in the Dutch Oil & Gas portal
Publication date:
Thema: Geology
Ultra-diepe geothermie: Overzicht, inzicht & to-do ondergrond
Authors: T.A.P. Boxem, J.G. Veldkamp, J.D.A.M. van Wees
Ultra-diepe geothermie: Overzicht, inzicht & to-do ondergrond
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology
Sector Outlook: Geothermal power increase in the Netherlands by enhancing the capacity
Authors: J.G. Veldkamp, T.A.P. Boxem
Sector Outlook: Geothermal power increase in the Netherlands by enhancing the capacity
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology
Lead deposition in geothermal installations
Authors: P.M.M.C. Bressers, F. Wilschut
Lead deposition in geothermal installations
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology
HTO - Hoge temperatuur opslag in de ondiepe ondergrond
Authors: Maarten Pluymaekers, Jan-Diederik van Wees, Muriel van der Kuip, Vincent Vandeweijer
HTO - Hoge temperatuur opslag in de ondiepe ondergrond
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology