Application for storage licence
The underground storage of materials requires an appropriate permit from the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs. The procedure to apply for such a permit is outlined in chapter 3 of the Mining Act. Article 1.3.4, appendix 1 and appendix 2 of the Mining Decree contain a summary of the information that must be provided with a permit application.
The most efficient way to satisfy this requirement and therefore avoid any possible delay in the authorisation process is for Licencees to send the document to:
1. Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat, Directie Transitie Diepe Ondergrond, Postbus 20401, 2500 EK, Den Haag and
2. the digital version to
Request form: Storage Licence application
Mining Act: chapter 3, articles 25-32
Mining Decree: article 7 and article 28
Mining Regulation: article 1.2.1, article 1.2.2 and article 1.3.4