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Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy

Authors: Dr. G.J. Vis, Drs. S. van Gessel, Dr. H. Mijnlieff, Dr. M, Pluymaekers, J. Hettelaar, D. Stegers
This study aims at 3D modelling of the spatial distribution of porosity and permeability (transmissivity = net sand thickness ยท permeability) in the Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group in the West Netherlands Basin with respect to the...
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal

Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy

Authors: G.-J. Vis, S.F. van Gessel, H.F. Mijnlieff, drs. M.P.D. Pluymaekers, J.M.M. Hettelaar, D.P.M. Stegers
Lower Cretaceous Rijnland Group aquifers in the West Netherlands Basin: suitability for geothermal energy
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology

Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen

Authors: L. Kramers, G.-J. Vis, M.P.D. Pluymaekers, J.D.A.M. van Wees, H.M. Mijnlieff
Inventarisatie aardwarmtepotentie Nederlandse ondergrond; geologische onzekerheden en te nemen maatregelen
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal, Geology

Workshop - Seismic Amplitudes - 14 januari 2010

Authors: TNO, EBN
In the Dutch subsurface seismic amplitudes have been studied for over 30 years. Despite the use of 3D data and improved subsurface imaging techniques, up till recently the use of amplitude information failed to provide a significant...
Publication date:
Thema: Oil & Gas