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Seismisch hazard van geïnduceerde aardbevingen Integratie van deelstudies

Authors: B. Wassing, B. Dost
In het kader van de in 2003 gewijzigde Mijnbouwwet moeten per 1 januari 2003 seismische risico analyses in het winningsplan opgenomen worden. Sinds 2003 is door TNO en KNMI, onder meer in opdracht van de mijnbouwmaatschappijen, een aantal...
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity

BIA Geothermal – TNO Umbrella Report into the Causes and Solutions to Poor Well Performance in Dutch Geothermal Projects

Authors: Graham Degens, Mart Zijp, Jordy de Boer, Arie Obdam, Farid Jedari Eyvazi
BIA Geothermal – TNO Umbrella Report into the Causes and Solutions to Poor Well Performance in Dutch Geothermal Projects
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal

Toetsing van de belasting op de gebruiksruimte in de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamerlaag door bodemdaling ten gevolge van gaswinning onder de Waddenzee

Authors: Annemarie Mundendam-Bos, Jaap Breunese, Karin van Thienen-Visser, Lies Peters, Joaquim Juez-Larré
ln het waddengebied staat de beheersing van het effect van bodemdaling door gaswinning in de kombergingsgebieden Pinkegat en Zoutkamperlaag centraal. De NAM heeft voor haar verzoek tot wijziging van de winningsplannen "Ameland", "Anjum" en...
Publication date:
Thema: Subsidence

Using basin modeling for geothermal energy exploration in the Netherlands - an example from the West Netherlands Basin and Roer Valley Graben

Authors: S. Nelskamp, H. Verweij
The West Netherlands Basin and Roer Valley Graben in the Netherlands have been studied in detail by several authors over the years (Geluk, 1990; Zijerveld et al., 1992; Geluk et al., 1994; De Jager et al., 1996; Van Balen et al., 2000a; Van...
Publication date:
Thema: Geothermal

Fluid flow systems analysis on geological timescales in onshore and offshore Netherlands

Authors: H. Verweij
Knowledge of the present-day fluid flow systems in the sedimentary fill of onshore and offshore Netherlands, and the related pore pressure distributions in its reservoirs and seals, is important for safe and economic drilling, oil and gas...
Publication date:
Thema: Geology

Abandonment of solution mined salt caverns in the Netherlands

Authors: Dr. I. Kroon, Dr. B. Orlic, Dr. B. Scheffers
Salts have been mined in different parts of the world since ancient times for human consumption and industrial purposes. Besides a traditional dry mining method, solution mining has been commonly employed in the Netherlands and elsewhere in...
Publication date:
Thema: Salt