FOCUS – Upper Jurassic Sandstones: Detailed sedimentary facies analyses, correlation and stratigraphic architectures of hydrocarbon bearing shoreface complexes in the Dutch offshore
Samenvatting / Begeleidende tekst
The FOCUS project has strongly improved the understanding of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in the Dutch offshore by providing a tectono-stratigraphic framework based on modern concepts of sequence stratigraphy and syn-depositional tectonic models. The use of regional seismic and well correlation panels helped to better constrain the three main depositional sequences identified in the study area as well as their varying preservation potential between the Dutch Central Graben, the Terschelling Basin, the Step Graben, and their surrounding platforms.
Publication date
Publication type
Joint Industry Project
Oil & Gas
R. Bouroullec
R. Verreussel
K. Geel
D. Munsterman
G. de Bruin
M. Zijp
N. Janssen
I. Millán
T. Boxem
Publisher / organisation
94.55 MB