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Bias studie fase 2

Authors: TNO - Adviesgroep Economische Zaken en Klimaat
In het kader van het EZK Werkprogramma 2019 (project E - Groningen) ontvangt u deze notitie betreffende de NAM risicoberekening voor de gaswinning uit het Groningen veld. U vraagt om kwalitatief te beoordelen of deze risicoberekening leidt...
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Advies vaststellingsbesluit Groningen gasveld 2019/2020

Authors: TNO-AGE
Advies vaststellingsbesluit Groningen gasveld 2019/2020
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Impact inzetstrategie op Noordelijke provincies

Authors: TNO-AGE
Impact inzetstrategie op Noordelijke provincies
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Injection Related Induced Seismicity and its relevance to Nitrogen Injection: Main findings, recommendations and general guidelines.

Authors: TNO
Pressure maintenance by injection of nitrogen into a reservoir is considered as one of the potential options to mitigate induced seismicity during gas production. As seismicity in producing gas reservoirs is a consequence of stress changes...
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity

Effect van productie-variaties en –fluctuaties op de seismiciteit van het Groningen veld

Authors: TNO-AGE
Effect van productie-variaties en –fluctuaties op de seismiciteit van het Groningen veld
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen


Authors: TNO-AGE
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Injection Related Induced Seismicity and its relevance to Nitrogen Injection: Modelling of geomechanical effects of injection on fault stability

Authors: TNO
Pressure maintenance by injection of nitrogen into a reservoir is considered to be one of the potential options to mitigate induced seismicity during gas production. However, injection of nitrogen itself may be the cause of unwanted induced...
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity

Response of induced seismicity to production changes in the Groningen field

Authors: Karin van Thienen-Visser, D. Sijacic, M. Nepveu, JD van Wees, J. Hettelaar
Response of induced seismicity to production changes in the Groningen field
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen

Injection-Related Induced Seismicity and its relevance to Nitrogen Injection: Description of Dutch field cases

Authors: TNO
Pressure maintenance by injection of nitrogen into a reservoir is considered to be one of the potential options to mitigate induced seismicity during gas production. However, injection of nitrogen itself may be the cause of unwanted induced...
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity

Aanbiedingsbrief rapport seismiciteit Groningen npr 9998

Authors: TNO-AGE
Aanbiedingsbrief rapport seismiciteit Groningen npr 9998
Publication date:
Thema: Induced seismicity, Groningen