Vraag en antwoord

Heeft u een vraag? Kies dan een van de onderstaande vragen om snel antwoord te krijgen:

Is there analog data available for 2D-seismics?

Use the contactpage to let us know which seismics lines you are interested in. If data is available, you will receive a message with associated costs. After your accord you will receive the data and the invoice. 

Is it possible to view cores or drill samples?

Yes, we store drill samples taken at land or at sea in the central core storage (Centraal Kernhuis) that is located in Zeist, The Netherlands. Most of this material can be accessed for research purposes free of charge. If you indicate which wells you are interested in, we will check if we have available samples. Please contact the servicedesk if you are interested in visiting the central core storage.

Do costs apply for downloading NLOG data?

The data that is published on NLOG can be downloaded free of charge. If you are interested in data that is not published on our website, please contact the servicedesk and let us know what data you are looking for. If the data is available, a handling fee is charged for sending the data. Before the data is sent, you will receive an overview of the costs. If you agree to the costs, you will receive the data and the invoice.

Please note that the data sometimes has to be requested from the operator. In this case, it could take a few weeks, up to a few months, before the data becomes available.

Where can I find specific data selections for all boreholes?

Borehole data can be selected in the interactie map or in the datacenter. If you are looking for specific data selections, you can find complete datasets in spreadsheets. You can find more information on this webpage.

Is it possible to request the raw data of 3D seismic surveys?

Raw data is not available for download on our website. You can request raw data by filling out our contact form. Please specify which data you are interested in and we will check if this data is available. If the data is available, a fee is charged and you will receive a specification of the costs. If you agree to these costs, you will receive the data and an invoice.

Please note that in some cases the data needs to be requested from the operator. It is possible that it could take some time before the data becomes available, as this depends on the availability of the operator.

How often is the data updated on your data center?

In general the data in our datacenter is updated daily. Certain data types, such as production figures, are updated monthly. If you are searching for a specific dataset that you cannot find in the data center, please contact the servicedesk.

Do you offer a WMS-service that supports other coordinates than WGS84-EPSG 4326?

The WMS-service is only available in WGS84-EPSG 4326. NLOG does not offer a WMS-service that contains a different coordinate system.